Flex API is GraphQL API that is defined by GraphQL schema, described below.
All the fields descriptions are given in the code snippets.
Root flex query
Here is the Root flex query that returns the main FlexQuery type.
# Query
type Query {
" Default address is the latest Super Root "
superRoot: String
Default is `releaseConfig` address of superRoot.
If superRoot is omitted and globalConfig is specified, then all flex data will be related to globalConfig except FlexQuery root fields related to Super root (releaseConfig, betaConfig, etc)
globalConfig: address
): FlexQuery
type FlexQuery {
" Flex release version from Super Root"
releaseConfig: FlexGlobalConfig
" Flex beta version from Super Root"
betaConfig: FlexGlobalConfig
" globalConfig specified in the `flex` parameters "
config: FlexGlobalConfig
" Super Root version "
revision: Int
Flag that indicates that a bug was found in Exchange contracts, you should stop trading and cancel all your orders. Keep funds on your wallets, they are okay.
stopTrade: Boolean
Flag that indicates that a bug was found that encorages everyone to cancel their orders and withdraw their funds from Flex wallets asap
abandonShip: Boolean
True means the beginning of upgrade process which forbids to list/unlist new wrappers and pairs. Flag is reset to false when upgrade process is over.
False means the dex is not in the upgrade process and one can list/unlist new wrappers and pairs.
updateStarted: Boolean
" Get all the listed tokens"
tokens(...): [FlexToken]
" Get information about one token "
getToken(...): FlexToken
" Get all the listed pairs "
pairs(...): [FlexPair]
" Get information about one pair "
getPair(...): FlexPair
" Get information about the market "
market(...): FlexMarket
" User wallets "
wallets(...): [FlexWallet!]!
userTrades(...): [FlexUserTrade!]!
userOrders(...): [FlexUserOrder!]!
For now we store only a structure with each group version and Exchange Config for UI purposes.
Will extend it with User and Wrapper configs in future if it will be needed.
type FlexQuery {
releaseConfig: FlexGlobalConfig
betaConfig: FlexGlobalConfig
config: FlexGlobalConfig
type FlexGlobalConfig {
" Global config address "
address: String
" Wallet, Exchange and User versions structure "
version: FlexVersion
" Exchange Group version info "
exchange: ExchangeConfig
wrapper: WrapperConfig
user: UserConfig
type FlexVersion {
" Version of token wrappers and wallets contracts "
wallet: Int
" Version of exchange contracts (flex, pair, price) "
exchange: Int
" Version of user contracts and debots (FlexClient, etc) "
user: Int
type ExchangeConfig{
" Version of exchange contracts (flex, pair, price) "
version: Int
fees: FlexFeesConfig
type FlexFeesConfig{
" For executing tip3 transfer "
transfer_tip3: Int
" To return tip3 ownership "
return_ownership: Int
" To send answer message from PriceXchg "
order_answer: Int
To process processQueue function
Also is used for buyTip3 / onTip3LendOwnership / cancelSell / cancelBuy estimations.
process_queue: Int
" To send notification about completed deals (IFlexNotify) "
send_notify: Int;
Amount of EVERs transfered to the recipient tip3 wallet during all token transfers. Needed to support wallet auto-deploy, so that the deployed wallet has enough funds to procees. Auto-deploy happens when tokens are transfered to a not existing wallet.
dest_wallet_keep_evers: Int
This method returns all tokens, listed on Flex.
type FlexQuery {
" To find tokens by Ticker subscring "
tickerSubstringFilter: String
" Pagination parameters "
limit: Int
offset: Int
): FlexToken
type FlexToken {
" Wrapper address "
address: String
" Full name "
name: String
" Token ticker, i.e. 'EVER' "
ticker: String
" defines the number of decimal places "
decimals: Int
" total_granted in tokens "
totalAllocated: String
" in contract - total_granted field in units "
totalAllocatedUnits: String
" flex tip3 wallet code hash "
walletCodeHash: String
**** " Original token type identifyer. 1 - EVER token wrapper "
**** wrapperType: Int
Account that locks and stores all external tokens
for WEVER wrapper type - empty
externalAddress: String
Token information is stored in so-called wrapper contracts, that wrap ever/tip3.2/potentially other tokens and act as a root contract that deploys Flex wallets for those wrapped tokens.
Query that returns info of a particular token by its wrapper address or token symbol string.
type Flex(root: address) {
getToken(?ticker: string, ?address: string): TToken,
This query retrieves listed trading pairs on Flex.
type Flex {
tickerSubstringFilter: String,
limit: Int,
offset: Int
): [FlexPair]
type FlexPair {
" Flex Pair account address "
address: String
Abbrevation used to identify pair.
Derived from major and minor root tickers, i.e. 'EVER/SOL'
ticker: String
" Major token of the pair "
major: FlexToken
" Minor token of the pair "
minor: FlexToken
Min amount of major token required for an order creation in token units.
minAmount: String
" minAmount in major token units "
minAmountUnits: String
" Code hash of price contracts for the pair "
priceCodeHash: String
" Notification contract address. Receives notification for each executed trade "
notifyAddress: String
" Token price denominator. Format: 10eN where N - number of digits after the decimal point "
priceScale: number,
" Unit price denominator "
priceScale_units: number,
" Price tick size numerator "
min_move: number,
" Code hash of price contract "
**** priceCodeHash: string,
" Code of price contract "
priceCode: string
Query that returns info of a particular Symbol (pair) by its Trading Pair contract address or Pair Symbol string.
type FlexMarketQuery{
" Limit the number of returned trades but no more than 50 "
limit: Int
): [FlexTrade!]!
type FlexTrade {
" Taker's side in the trade "
side: FlexTradeSide
time: Int
sellToken: FlexToken
buyToken: FlexToken
" Major tokens amount "
amount: String
" Major units amount "
amountUnits: String
" Price of the major token in tokens "
price: String
" Price numenator "
priceNum: String
" Token price denomenator "
priceScale: String
" Unit price denomenator "
priceScaleUnits: String
" Cursor for pagination "
enum FlexTradeSide {
Price and volume history is needed by trading applications to draw so-called bars or candles displaying price history of a trading pair.
type FlexMarketQuery{
" Supported time resolutions"
priceHistoryResolutions: [Int!]!
" Time resolution in seconds"
resolution: Int
" Inclusive "
startTime: Int
" Exclusive "
endTime: Int
This field defines minimum number of returned bars,
and has priority over startTime parameter,
i.e. you must return data in the range `[from, to)`,
but the number of bars should not be less than
countBack: Int
): FlexPriceHistory!
type FlexPriceHistory {
" Price information for the resolution time range "
prices: [FlexPriceSummary]
Returns next available time before the requested time range. Returns null if there is no more prices.
nextTime: Int
type FlexPriceSummary {
" Start time of resolution time range. Range end time is time + resolution "
time: Int
" The first price in range (opening price) "
open: String
" The last price in range (closing price) "
close: String
" Minimal price in range "
low: String
" Maximal price in range "
high: String
" Total amount of all trades in range "
volume: String
This data is collected from trades. Each dot on the graph should have such data as open, close, highest and lowest price and volume for each period starting from start_time. Period length is defined by resolution parameter.
We do not show getEmptyBars parameter and assume it as false. We do not return empty bars.
📚 Example 1: let's say the chart requests 300 bars with the range [2019-06-01T00:00:00..2020-01-01T00:00:00] in the request. If you have only 250 bars in the requested period ([2019-06-01T00:00:00..2020-01-01T00:00:00]) and you return these 250 bars, the chart will make another request to load 50 more bars preceding 2019-06-01T00:00:00 date.
Example 2: let's say the chart requests 300 bars with the range [2019-06-01T00:00:00..2020-01-01T00:00:00] in the request. If you don't have bars in the requested period, you don't need to return noData: true with the nextTime parameter equal to the next available data. You can simply return 300 bars prior to 2020-01-01T00:00:00 even if this data is before the from date.
Orderbook is a list of available Trading Pair liquidity for buying and selling aggregated by price.
Return top 50 bids and asks.
bids are sorted by price DESC
asks are sorted by price DESC
type Market {
orderbook(limit: Int): FlexOrderBook
type FlexOrderBook {
" Liquidity for buying "
bids: [FlexOrderbookItem]
" Liquidity for selling "
asks: [FlexOrderbookItem]
type FlexOrderbookItem {
Price of 1 major token denominated in minor token with precision of Pair's pricescale
price : String
" Token price numerator "
priceNum: String
" Token price denomerator "
priceScale: String
" Unit price denomerator "
priceScaleUnits: String
" Amount of major tokens "
amount: String
" Amount of major units "
amountUnits: String
type Market {
" Latest trade's price "
price: String
" Price and volume stats for the last 24 hours "
last24H: FlexPriceSummary
type FlexPriceSummary {
time: Int
open: String
close: String
low: String
high: String
volume: String
type Flex(root: address) {
" Flex Client contract address "
clientAddress: String!
" Wallet token "
token: FlexToken
" User ID "
userId: String
" DApp public key "
dappPubkey: String
" After cursor field "
after: String
limit: Int
): [FlexWallet!]!
type FlexWallet {
" Flex wallet address
address: String
" Flex Client contract address
clientAddress: String
" userId of the Trader "
userId: String
" DApp pubkey "
dappPubkey: String
" Token information"
token: FlexToken
" balance of native currency of the wallet (in evers) "
nativeCurrencyBalance: String
" balance of native currency of the wallet (in nanoevers) "
nativeCurrencyBalanceUnits: String
" Tokens balance of the wallet in tokens "
totalBalance: String
" Total balance of the wallet in units "
totalBalanceUnits: String
" Balance in tokens reduced by amount in orders "
availableBalance: String
" Balance in units reduced by amount in orders "
availableBalanceUnits: String
" Balance in tokens placed into orders "
balanceInOrders: String
" Balance in units placed into orders "
balanceInOrdersUnits: String
" Tokens lend finish time "
lendFinishTime: Int
# Cursor that can be used for pagination
cursor: String
Wrapper contract stores user wallet code.
Flex wallets are deployed by Flex Client contract which becomes their owner. Therefore, we need to use flex client addresses to search for all the client’s wallets.
Shows all User’s open and expired orders.
Sort by price ASC, order_id. Returns top 50 records.
type FlexQuery {
userId: String
after: String
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [FlexUserOrder]
type FlexUserOrder {
pair: FlexPair
side: FlexTradeSide
" Order amount in tokens left "
amountLeft: String
" Order amount in units left"
amountLeftUnits: String
" Order amount in tokens that has been processed "
amountProcessed: String
" Order amount in units that has been processed "
amountProcessedUnits: String
" Order price in tokens"
price: String
" Price numerator "
priceNum: String
" Token price denomerator "
priceScale: String
" Unit price denomerator "
priceScaleUnits: String
" User ID of the DApp "
****userId: String
" Optional. Order ID. "
orderId: String
" Order finish (expiration) time "
finishTime: Int
User trades list returns all user trades history on all markets.
type FlexQuery {
userId: String!
after: String
limit: Int
offset: Int
): [FlexUserTrade!]!
type FlexUserTrade {
pair: FlexPair
side: FlexTradeSide
" Major tokens amount"
amount: String
" Major tokens amount in units"
amountUnits: String
" Order price in tokens"
price: String
" Price numerator "
priceNum: String
" Token price denomerator "
priceScale: String
" Unit price denomerator "
priceScaleUnits: String
time: Int
" User position in the trade "
liquidity: FlexTradeLiquidity
User fees for this trade. Measured in major tokens.
If the user is a maker then fees is a value received by user as a bonus for making order. Note that in this case the fees is a negative value.
If the user is a taker then fees is a value that the user pays to the exchange and maker.
fees: String
feesUnits: String
cursor: String
Determines the users position in trade. Maker or taker. Maker is a trade counterparty whose order was earlier. Taker is a counterparty with a later order.
enum FlexTradeLiquidity {
Orderbook, recentTrades, priceHistory
input MarketPair {
ticker: String
address: String
subscription {
Returns market orderbook and after that whenever there is a change
to orderbook, sends the updated Orderbook.
flex: String,
pairAddress: String,
pairTicker: String
): FlexOrderBook
Starts sending new trades
created after trade specified by after_id.
flex: String,
pairAddress: String,
pairTicker: String
after: string
): FlexTrade[]
Returns an array of price summary objects strting from
start_time aggregated by resolution and then
starts sending price summary object whenever there is a new trade
for the last time range defined by resolution.
Timerange is changing over time. If resolution is 1 minute, then, when
the minute passes, a new timerange is started and new priceSummary object is returned.
flex: String,
pair_address: String,
pair_ticker: String,
start_time: uint,
resolution: Int
): FlexPriceSummary[]
userOrders, userTrades, wallets
subscription {
Returns market orderbook and after that whenever there is a change
to orderbook, sends the updated Orderbook.
flexAddress: String,
userId: String
): FlexUserOrder[]
Starts sending new trades
created after trade specified by after cursor.
flexAddress: String,
userId: String,
after: String
): FlexTrade[]
Returns list of client wallets then starts sending
new wallet creations and existing wallet updates.
Wallet deletions are not included in event types.
if after is not specified, starts sending only
latest updates since subscription creation
flex: String,
clientAddress: String!,
userId: String,
dappPubkey: String,
after: String # after cursor
): FlexWallet[]
Coming soon:
Order status subscription
subscription {
Sends order status updates for user orders. Contains informarion about order status and processed/unprocessed amount, and order info about trading pair, side and price in tokens and nanotokens.
Please, note that in case of CANCEL and CLOSED statused order may be partially executed.
userId: String
): FlexUserOrderUpdate[]
type FlexUserOrderUpdate {
orderId: string
timestamp: uint
From here: [<https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-contracts/blob/21d08e8f85c122693e6f0bbc22f23c467c8e3920/cpp/freetrade/exchange/xchg/error_code.hpp#L13>](<https://github.com/tonlabs/ton-contracts/blob/21d08e8f85c122693e6f0bbc22f23c467c8e3920/cpp/freetrade/exchange/xchg/error_code.hpp#L13>)
error_code: enum {out_of_tons, deals_limit, etc}
majorToken: FlexToken,
minorToken: FlexToken,
amountEnqueued: String # enqueued/major_decimals
amountEnqueuedUnits: String # enqueued
amountProcessed: String # processed/major_decimals
amountProcessedUnits: String # processed
price: String # price_num/priceScale
priceNum: String #price_num
priceScale: String # price_denum * 10^(minor_decimals - major_decimals)
priceScaleUnits: String # price_denum
side: enum {BUY, SELL}
userId: string
Flex statistics
type Flex(root: address) {
statistics: TMarketStats {
TVL: uint # total value locked in Flex denominated in USD
volume: uint # 24 hour volume on the Flex for all markets.
userEquity (not implemented yet)
Equity - total balance of all tokens converted to EVER or USD currency price
type userEquity(pubkey: string): TUserData {
equity: uint #